A Guide To The Different Types Of Spray Foam Insulation Explained

A Guide To The Different Types Of Spray Foam Insulation Explained

When it comes to insulating your home or building, spray foam insulation is an excellent choice. Its ability to offer unrivalled insulation, moisture regulation, and air sealing makes it a superior option for energy-efficient and comfortable spaces. However, not all spray foam insulation is created equal, since you can also design your own building. In this comprehensive guide, learn about the different types of spray foam insulation available in the market, their unmatched properties, and their applications.

Open Cell Spray Foam Insulation

Open cell spray foam insulation is a form of spray foam that is lightweight and composed of cells that are not entirely closed. This allows air to fill the open spaces, resulting in a softer and less dense foam. Open cell foam has a lower R-value compared to other foam types, but it offers excellent soundproofing capabilities.


Its applications include interior walls, soundproofing applications, and attics. It is also used in areas where moisture control is not a primary concern

Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation

Closed cell spray foam insulation, on the other hand, consists of cells that are completely closed and packed tightly together. This results in a thick and rigid foam with excellent thermal insulation qualities. Closed cell foam’s R-value is higher than open cell foam, making it more effective at preventing heat transfer.


  • It is used in exterior walls, basements and crawl spaces
  • Roofs as well as areas with high moisture levels or flood-prone areas
  • High-Density Spray Foam Insulation

High-density spray foam insulation is a variation of closed cell foam that is designed to provide even greater strength and durability. It has a higher density and compressive strength, making it suitable for places that require added structural support. High-density foam is commonly used in commercial and industrial buildings where heavy loads are present.


It is commonly used in commercial buildings, warehouses, and industrial facilities. It ideal in areas with high traffic or heavy machinery

Medium-Density Spray Foam Insulation

Medium-density spray foam insulation offers a balance between closed cell and open cell  foam. It provides a combination of heat padding, air sealing, and soundproofing properties. Medium-density foam is versatile and can be used in various applications, offering a cost-effective solution without compromising performance.


  • Residential walls
  • Attics
  • Ceilings
  • Areas requiring a balance of insulation and soundproofing

Eco-Friendly Spray Foam Insulation

As environmental concerns continue to rise, eco-friendly spray foam insulation options have emerged. These formulations prioritize sustainable and renewable materials, reducing the environmental impact without compromising performance. Eco-friendly spray foam helps homeowners and builders achieve energy efficiency goals while minimizing their carbon footprint.


  • Residential and commercial buildings
  • Green construction projects
  • LEED-certified buildings
  • Environmentally conscious projects

Choosing the Right Spray Foam Insulation

Selecting the appropriate spray foam insulation for your specific needs is crucial. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

Insulation Goals

Determine your insulation needs, such as thermal insulation, air sealing, moisture control, or soundproofing. This will help you opt for the appropriate type of spray foam insulation.

Building Structure

Consider the construction of your building, including its design, materials, and climate. This will influence the choice of spray foam insulation to ensure optimal performance.


Evaluate your budget and weigh the cost-effectiveness of different spray foam insulation options. Remember to consider long-term energy savings and potential benefits when making your decision.

Environmental Impact

If sustainability is a priority, explore eco-friendly spray foam insulation options that use renewable or recycled materials.

Spray foam insulation offers a range of benefits for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. It easily fills the crannies and nooks of abnormally shaped premises cavities. It is ideal for insulating those hard-to-reach areas in your building. Recent blowing agents are innovatively manufactured to reduce their damaging effects to the environment.

Spray foam insulation offers unmatched coverage as it expands in place, making it more functional than rigid foam or fiberglass. It is also long-lasting since it does not collect in the bottom of a stud bay or easily break down. It offers a combination of an air and vapor barrier in a single product.

The Bottom Line

If you opt to install spray foam insulation, you may find it confusing to choose the appropriate type for your commercial or residential application. It is why it is advisable to hire a professional to assist with the purchase and installation. While DIY kits are available, hiring an expert spray foam insulation applicator ensures you get the job done right the first time in a fast and effective manner.