How Much Does It Cost To Install A Double Carport?     

How Much Does It Cost To Install A Double Carport?     

Installing a double carport can provide an excellent solution for homeowners looking to protect their vehicles from the elements while also adding value to their property. The cost of installation, however, can vary depending on several factors. In this post, we will discuss the factors that influence the cost of installing a double carport.

Size of the Carport

The size of the carport is one of the most significant factors that determine its cost. A double carport is typically 18 feet wide and 20-24 feet long, but it can be customized to meet your specific needs. The bigger the carport, the more expensive it will be to install.

Type of Material

The type of material used for the carport also plays a vital role in determining the cost. Carports can be made of various materials, including metal, wood, and vinyl. Metal is the most commonly used material for carports due to its durability and affordability. Wood and vinyl, on the other hand, are more expensive but offer a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Foundation and Installation

The foundation and installation costs of a double carport also impact its overall cost. A carport can either be freestanding or attached to an existing structure, such as a garage or house. Freestanding carports require a concrete foundation, which can add to the installation cost. Attached carports, on the other hand, do not require a foundation, but the installation may require additional labor and materials, increasing the cost.

Roof Type

The type of roof is another factor that determines the cost of a double carport. The most common roof types are gable and flat. A gable roof is more expensive than a flat roof due to its complexity and added construction materials.

Permits and Regulations

Permits and regulations for building a carport can also affect the overall cost. Depending on the state or municipality, permits may be required to build a carport, and failure to obtain them can lead to penalties or fines. Additionally, some areas may have specific building codes and regulations that must be followed, adding to the cost.

Additional Features

Adding extra features to your double carport can also increase the cost. For example, adding lighting, electricity, or even storage space can add to the overall cost of installation. Additionally, customizing the appearance of the carport, such as adding decorative elements or a specific color, can also increase the cost.

Labor Costs

The cost of labor plays a vital role in the overall cost of a double carport installation. Labor costs can vary depending on the region, the complexity of the project, and the experience level of the contractor. It is essential to obtain quotes from multiple contractors and compare their prices to ensure that you get the best value for your money.


The location of your property can also impact the cost of a double carport installation. If your property is located in an area with difficult terrain or limited accessibility, the installation may require additional labor and equipment, which can add to the overall cost.

Weather Conditions

Weather conditions in your area can also impact the cost of a double carport installation. If your area experiences extreme weather conditions, such as heavy snowfall or strong winds, the installation may require additional construction materials or modifications to ensure the carport can withstand these conditions.

Warranty and Maintenance

When calculating the cost of a double carport installation, it's also essential to consider the warranty and maintenance costs. Some manufacturers offer warranties for their carports, which can provide peace of mind and protect your investment. Additionally, routine maintenance, such as cleaning and inspections, can help prolong the life of your carport and prevent costly repairs in the future.

Timing of Installation

The timing of installation can also impact the cost of a double carport. Contractors may offer discounts or promotions during slower seasons, which can help reduce the overall cost of installation. Additionally, scheduling the installation during a time when the contractor is less busy can result in a faster installation and potentially lower labor costs.

Additional Services

Finally, some contractors may offer additional services, such as site preparation or removal of existing structures, which can impact the overall cost of the installation. It's essential to discuss these services with your contractor and obtain a detailed quote to ensure that all services are included in the final cost.

The cost of installing a double carport varies depending on several factors, including the size, type of material, foundation and installation, roof type, permits and regulations, additional features, and labor costs. It is essential to do your research and obtain quotes from multiple contractors to ensure that you get the best value for your money. While installing a double carport can be an investment, it can provide protection for your vehicles, add value to your property, and enhance the overall aesthetic of your home.